(getButton) #text=(Subscribe @lPAUniverse Telegram channel) #icon=(share) #color=(#ff000) #size=(2)
As the successor of the original and now outdated Spotilife tweak, EeveeSpotify emerges as the first and only tweak (for now) with significant potential for accessing Spotify Premium. Note: To fix widgets, install Spotify from the App Store then proceed to force install Eevee over Spotify. Please refrain from opening issues here.
Last updated: 08-10-2024
Status: ✅ ⭐ 👍
>= 15.0
With the Spotify music and podcast app, you can play millions of songs, albums and original podcasts for free. Stream music and podcasts, discover albums, playlists or even single songs for free on your mobile or tablet. Subscribe to Spotify ...
We’re always making changes and improvements to Spotify. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
>= 15.0
Sleep trouble? Sleep better with Pillow, your smart sleep assistant. Pillow can analyze your sleep cycles automatically using your Apple Watch, or you can use Pillow without an Apple Watch by placing your iPhone or iPad on the mattress near ...
- You can now subscribe to Pillow's Sleep Smart Newsletter to receive great sleep-related content, announcements and special offers. Don't miss it! - Enjoy a relaxing summer with Pillow's Summertime Sleep Aid collection! - Improved how Pillow's iCloud backup and ...
Injected with PremiumFeaturesUnlocked
>= 14.0
Sleep trouble? Sleep better with Pillow, your smart sleep assistant. Pillow can analyze your sleep cycles automatically using your Apple Watch, or you can use Pillow without an Apple Watch by placing your iPhone or iPad on the mattress near ...
This version brings an updated Live Activity widget and enhanced support for Standby mode, along with advancements on iOS 17! Pillow’s Live Activity is now interactive, allowing you to play or pause the sleep track you are listening to without ...