Pro features unlocked
>= 14.0
APTV,一款可实时预览的高颜值直播源播放器App,是一个可播放可回看(需要直播源支持)的多功能播放器。 功能介绍 【频道列表】 可实时预览直播源当前所播放的内容,可实时查看当前网络下的频道延迟 【我的收藏】 将您喜爱的频道添加到收藏,以防止每次都在众多频道中搜索 【配置中心】 提供订阅配置、本地配置、空白配置三种配置类型,几乎覆盖所有直播源场景。即可以添加一组频道也可以添加单个频道 【云同步】 同一账号多平台同步,添加的所有配置自动同步,重新安装也不怕配置丢失啦 【客户支持】 无论您遇到任何问题,或者有好的想法要与我交流,可以通过以下方式与我取得联系: Email:aptvapp@hotmail.com Github:Kimentanm/aptv
【新增】新增iOS全屏侧边栏换台功能 【新增】新增四个新图标 - 来自用户小声逼逼和Jimmy 【新增】可关闭预览图加载动画 【优化】优化多语言显示 【优化】优化扫源工具 【修复】修复全屏侧边栏星期显示错误的问题 【修复】修复iPad编辑配置时可能弹不出操作菜单的问题 【修复】修复播放页面收藏频道无效的问题

Pro features unlocked
>= 15.0
Creating trending social content has never been simpler. Mojo is an app designed to help you make amazing video content for Instagram and TikTok and more. Mojo is made in Paris and has already been downloaded by over 40 million ...
We’ve been hard at work making Mojo better for you. Soundtrack your speech. For auto-subtitled videos, Mojo now automatically suggests the right music depending on what you’re talking about. This release also squashes a bunch of annoying bugs holding you ...

Pro features unlocked
>= 15.0
Creating trending social content has never been simpler. Mojo is an app designed to help you make amazing video content for Instagram and TikTok and more. Mojo is made in Paris and has already been downloaded by over 40 million ...
We’ve been hard at work making Mojo better for you. Soundtrack your speech. For auto-subtitled videos, Mojo now automatically suggests the right music depending on what you’re talking about. This release also squashes a bunch of annoying bugs holding you ...

Pro features unlocked
>= 15.0
Creating trending social content has never been simpler. Mojo is an app designed to help you make amazing video content for Instagram and TikTok and more. Mojo is made in Paris and has already been downloaded by over 40 million ...
We’ve been hard at work making Mojo better for you. Soundtrack your speech. For auto-subtitled videos, Mojo now automatically suggests the right music depending on what you’re talking about. This release also squashes a bunch of annoying bugs holding you ...

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