(getButton) #text=(Subscribe @lPAUniverse Telegram channel) #icon=(share) #color=(#ff000) #size=(2)
Pro features unlocked
>= 11.0
Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "Crash Dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink. Sneak past ...
• Modding: Simplified Vehicles/Weapons by only showing fields that actually apply to the current item • Modding: Added section labels to Vehicles/Weapons • Modding: Added per-torpedo-type multipliers for dud/circular run chance
Pro features unlocked
>= 11.0
Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "Crash Dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink. Sneak past ...
• Deepened Straits of Kammon in Sea of Japan • Long-pressing “fire spread” button now opens the Torpedo Spread Editor (AKA “The Spredator”) • Added vertical wire marker at waterline in binoculars view • Added boat/captain names to management view ...
Pro features unlocked
>= 11.0
Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "Crash Dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink. Sneak past ...
• Sub-Chasers can no longer shoot themselves • Long-pressing the Pause button now hides the HUD • Destroyed buildings are no longer restored when returning to a partially-destroyed enemy base • Modding: Removed Campaign per-mission ModSets, as they didn’t work ...

>= 11.0
Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "Crash Dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink. Sneak past ...
• On each patrol, one enemy ship class will award a double point bonus • Modding: In GameVars, reorganized some items out of Difficulty (e.g. all torpedo settings are now under Sub Weapons) • Fast Travel/Wait in Place Targets of ...

>= None
Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "Crash Dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink. Sneak past ...
• Pickup/dropoff side missions: Number of enemy searchers is now randomized (could even be zero) • Your spotters no longer gather info on targets that are not in line of sight • Enlarged HUD notifications button in Touch UI mode

>= 11.0
Hunt enemy convoys, battle destroyers, attack land bases, and shoot down aircraft in this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling "Crash Dive". Take command of a Gato-class submarine prowling the South Pacific in search of enemy shipping to sink. Sneak past ...
• Added screenshot button to game menu (default hotkey: ‘U’) • Added screenshot settings to Options menu • Enlarged custom marker label text on mobile • Custom marker label text now scales with UI mode • Sea of Japan: Opened ...